Climate Active Certification

Holcim has received certification from Climate Active to sell carbon neutral products. Climate neutral certification confirms that a carbon neutral claim is based on best practice, international standards and represents genuine emissions reduction.

The Climate Active Program

Climate Active is a program administered by the Australian Federal Government to support businesses committed to sustainability, innovation and industry leadership to drive voluntary climate action. This follows the Australian-first milestone with the registration of an Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for Holcim’s ready-mix concrete range known as ViroDecs™ in 2019. The EPD quantifies the greenhouse gas emissions involved in the creation of Holcim’s ready-mix concrete through the entire supply chain, otherwise known as ‘embodied carbon’.

The Climate Active certification enables Holcim to offset the embodied carbon of its ready-mix concrete on behalf of its customers on an opt-in basis through a transparent, third party assured process resulting in carbon neutral ready-mix concrete.

“Holcim is focusing on being a trusted solutions provider supporting customers to transition towards sustainable construction and a low carbon economy. Carbon neutrality is a significant step towards achieving these ambitious goals.” 

Cyril Giraud, National Development & Sustainability Manager
Holcim ViroDecs

The choice of materials at the design and specification stage has a lasting impact on the building and infrastructure sector’s life cycle environmental footprint. Our aim is to help customers build with the environment in mind by creating transparency for our products with Environmental Product Declarations.

Holcim’s sustainability objectives don’t stop at embodied carbon. We are also focusing on biodiversity, water consumption and circular economy, among other initiatives, in a holistic approach to deliver maximum benefits for communities in the built environment.

What is the Climate Active certification?

Climate neutral certification confirms that a carbon neutral claim is based on best practice, international standards and represents genuine emissions reduction.

Climate Active has a Network of Members who have achieved this certification (of their products, services or organisation) through rigorous process and testing. This means that these certified organisations and their customers can be sure they are genuinely carbon neutral.

Buying and using products and services that have been certified carbon neutral is a form of positive climate action.

How does carbon offsetting work?

Carbon offsetting is a way for organisations to cancel out carbon emissions they are not able to completely eliminate, by investing in projects that reduce or remove emissions.