Cooma Road Quarry (Queanbeyan) NSW

Holcim Australia operates Cooma Road Quarry, a hard rock quarry located approximately 6km south of Queanbeyan, New South Wales (NSW). Cooma Road Quarry has been operating at the site since 1959 and is considered a significant regional supplier of granite and dacite hard rock aggregates.

Products and Sales
Phone 1300 555 277

Community Enquiries
Phone 0437 427 607

Holcim Australia was granted a Development Consent under Part 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (EP&A Act) for an extension of the approved quarry life for an additional 20 years and an increased production limit from 1 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) to 1.5 Mtpa.

About the Quarry

Cooma Road Quarry Development Consent

 The Cooma Road Quarry Development Consent provides for the following:

  • extraction of the remaining resources within the existing approved quarry pit area;
  • extension of the approved extraction boundary to the north covering an area of approximately 3.5 hectares;
  • increasing the maximum annual production limit from 1 Mtpa to 1.5 Mtpa;
  • allowance to receive quarry materials from other sites for crushing and screening (as required) and then sale. Total product (including from both material quarried from the site and from materials imported to the site) will be maintained within the total production limit of 1.5 Mtpa;
  • relocation of the existing workshop, truck parking and temporary stockpiles;
  • addition of a mobile pug mill; and
  • recycling of clean concrete on site for re-use as product.

Annual Review, Planning & Approvals

Environmental Monitoring – Blasting Data
Environmental Monitoring – Noise Monitoring Assessment
Environmental Monitoring – Truck Movement Data

Our Community

Community Consultative Committee (CCC)

The purpose of the Community Consultative Committee (CCC) is to provide a forum for open discussion between representatives of Holcim, the community, the council and other stakeholders on issues directly relating to the mine’s operations, environmental performance and community relations, and to keep the community informed on these matters.

The committee provides a forum to:

  • establish good working relationships between Holcim, the community and other stakeholders in relation to the quarry
  • provide for the ongoing communication of information on mining operations and the environmental performance of the quarry
  • provide an opportunity for comment on the quarry’s environmental performance
  • discuss community concerns and review the resolution of community complaints
  • discuss how best to communicate relevant information on the quarry and its environmental performance to the broader community, and
  • work together towards outcomes of benefit to the mine, immediate neighbours and the local and regional community.