Colac Quarry VIC

On the 9th of June 2021, Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd received approval under the  Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) to extend the Colac Quarry located at  75 Potters Road, Ondit into Stages 5 and 6. The EPBC Act referral reference for this approval is  2019/8530.

The Offset Management Plan and the Corangamite Water Skink Management Plan which must be implemented under the EPBC approval for Stages 5 and 6 can be viewed by clicking on the links below.

26 June 2024
Annual Compliance Report: EPBC 2019/8530 - 31/Mar/23-30/Mar/24
19 June 2023
Annual Compliance Report: EPBC 2019/8530 - 31/Mar/22-30/Mar/23
19 February 2021
Corangamite Water Skink EPBC Act Offset Strategy & Management Plan - Attachment D - Colac Quarry Extension (WA158), Victoria
01 February 2021
Corangamite Water Skink Management Plan - Attachment C - Colac Quarry Extension (WA158), Victoria

On UN World Wildlife Day, we’re celebrating the contribution wild animals and plants make. Numbers of the endangered Corangamite Water Skink are rising, supported by a larger available habitat as our quarry management plays its role in tackling biodiversity loss and degradation.