Humes at a glance

Humes is the largest civil precast concrete manufacturer in Australia.


Humes has a long history of engineering precast and prestressed concrete solutions and, after 100 years of manufacture, our product range has never been more diverse, more competitive, or more in-tune with our clients’ needs than it is today.

Humes offers a range of solutions for bridges and platforms, road and rail infrastructure, tunnels and shafts, retaining walls, pipeline systems, water treatment, reuse and detention, and traffic management. We can customise our solutions to ensure they create maximum value for your project, accommodating your site conditions, design requirements and construction factors.

The quality and reliability of Humes’ products and services are the foundation of our success. We are constantly developing and improving our solutions, whilst striving to exceed customer expectations.

Our ability to deliver to client specifications on major projects across Australia has established Humes as a valuable and reliable partner.

Humes is a division of Holcim Australia, suppling products including aggregate and sand, concrete, concrete pipe and products.

Customer enquiries

National sales 1300 361 601