Holcim welcomes Wildcare partnership

Holcim will proudly welcome a new wildlife conservation partnership with local groups Wildcare Australia and North East Albert LandCare next month.

Karina Harper, Admin & Community Support and Shane Griffith, Production Supervisor.

Through Landcare’s Bushfire Recovery Grant Program, Holcim is providing 12ha of land near its Beenleigh Quarry between Brisbane and the Gold Coast, to establish a 5,000-tree fodder plantation. The trees will provide a future food source for sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife including koalas, greater gliders, possums and birds.

Michelle Williams, Beenleigh Pit Manager, has been instrumental in establishing the partnership and preparing the parcel of land. 

“Once the plantation has been established it will provide an essential high quality food source for volunteer carers to support wildlife during their rehabilitation, and as the need for such a resource is increasing significantly each year as a result of the increased threat of natural disasters in South-East Queensland,” Michelle says. 

“Establishing a large wildlife fodder plantation on our site, will also enable better biodiversity outcomes for the region. We have taken steps over the last 18 months to restore the land quality on site, ahead of the planting – that will improve native vegetation, soil quality and eliminate contamination of local waterways.”

The Wildcare Australia partnership is another example of Holcim’s ongoing focus on the sustainability of the natural world across Australia and New Zealand. The first harvest of plant foliage from the plantation is expected within two years. 

Banner photo: Courtesy Alex Eckermann

beenleighfodder 02
Location of fodder plantations on the Beenleigh Quarry site.