Cif projects funded
Bungonia: Sustaining the present through the past
Bungonia District Historical Society
The Bungonia District Historical Society will construct Stage 1 of a Cemetery Memorial Wall and Columbarium that will provide a strong memorial monument consisting of three free-standing wall sections, joined together by mixed stone inserts. This wall will bring together over 90 past contributors to the life of Bungonia community who are currently situated outside the cemetery. Space will also allow for future plaques.
This project is developed in partnership with the Bungonia Progress Association Inc. and will create a community linkage point between Bungonia's richly diverse past and present by creating a way for present researchers, families and community members to both interact with historic records in the landscape and find suitable new ways to honour their loved ones.
Marulan Community Hall Upgrade
Goulburn Mulwaree Council
Marulan Community Hall is the venue of an active community centre providing a wide range of community facilities for recreational, educational and cultural pursuits. The Goulburn Mulwaree Council, as part of the hall extension works for the hall, will use the funds from Holcim to landscape the area around the facility.
Marulan School Projects Room
Marulan Public School
The Marulan Public School Project will refurbish a storage space that will become a room with a kitchenette and other facilities to house the school’s breakfast club, after school care, supported playgroup and kitchen garden program. The room will also be used by community groups for out of school hours education projects and as a community meeting space.