Holcim celebrates Amaroo partnership
Holcim Australia and Amaroo Mining and Civil are proud to join together during NAIDOC week 2020 to celebrate the rich history, culture and achievements of our Indigenous and Torres Strait Islanders, and to acknowledge the success of their partnership together.
Amaroo, a Supply Nation certified company, is a majority owned Indigenous business with a special love of country as reflected in the meaning of “Amaroo” – “a beautiful place”. Amaroo is also the premier Indigenous concrete company in the north west of Western Australia. In addition to its first-class production of concrete, Amaroo also provides a range of equipment, personnel and transport services.
Holcim has been partnering with Amaroo since 2019 to provide mobile plant and fleet supply options on a number of remote mining projects in Western Australia. In September this year, Holcim and Amaroo completed their first major contract of works together which was worth in excess of $1.5 million.
Rebecca Reeves, General Manager for Holcim, said that following the success of their initial project, Holcim was eager to engage again with Amaroo in the provision of major services for West Australian projects.
“We are incredibly proud of the working partnership we have built with Amaroo and others in providing key assets and personnel,” said Rebecca.
“Given the year we have had, celebrating NAIDOC Week and showcasing our partnership with Amaroo and other Indigenous organisations is very important to Holcim as we come together and look forward to a new year.”
Clint Ross, Indigenous Chief Executive for Amaroo said Amaroo’s motivation is “respecting the past, enriching the future.”
“The wording of the motivation reflects the special importance to Amaroo of the Indigenous people’s continuing connection to land; it’s what drives us every day,” Mr Ross said.
“We need to respect that long history while we contribute to the ongoing prosperity of Australia by assisting the mining, civil and construction industries.”
“NAIDOC week is a great opportunity to reflect and to acknowledge the original custodians of the land, for whom Australia has always been home. Always Was, Always Will Be.”
The partnership with Amaroo is another way Holcim supports its Indigenous Engagement Strategy and Social Procurement Policy.