“Heal Country!” – NAIDOC Week 2021

NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all people of Australia to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

National Reconciliation Week 2021 in Perth at the WA Museum Boola Bardip.


From Sunday 4 July to Sunday 11 July, local communities will come together to celebrate the rich history, diverse cultures and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, as the oldest continuing culture on the planet. 

In the past, the “National Aborigines [sic] and Islanders Day Observance Committee” were responsible for organising the events of NAIDOC Week, and since then the acronym has become the name of the event itself. Typically, NAIDOC Week kicks off on the first Sunday of July every year and runs for one week. The dates are a nod to National Aboriginal Day, which was previously celebrated on the second Friday of July.

The theme of NAIDOC Week this year is “Heal Country!”. Grounded in Country, this theme calls for the recognition, protection and maintenance of all aspects of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. But in order to achieve this, it's essential that historical, political and administrative settings adapt in order to empower and celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

NAIDOC Week Events

Hundreds of events will be hosted across the nation by schools, community centres, local councils, workplaces and sporting clubs to celebrate NAIDOC Week.

Due to COVID, the NAIDOC week organisers have organised a number of online events to ensure all people can participate. If you would like to learn all about NAIDOC week and what is means to heal our country, please check out some of the virtual events below:

Event: Healing Country, Healing Futures
Type: Virtual 
When: Tuesday 6th July 18:3019:45 (AEST)
About: Join this virtual event to have a yarn about Healing Country with several fantastic speakers.
Email to register and receive the online link! 

Check out the NAIDOC Week website for more information about upcoming events, the origins of the week and this year's theme